Fortune Favors the Bold...
In the early 25th century the peoples of th Federation were attacked by a race that we were unprepared for. These people invaded our space, took planets away, and murdered many loyal citizens of the Federation. To defend ourselves Starfleet built the most advanced border cutter ever imagined. This ship would be called upon to defend the borders of the Federation no matter the cost, her name was the USS Anchorage. Starfleet Command recently launched the powerful destroyer from her berth at Utopia Planetia. She is presently exploring the galaxy, defending us from those who wish us harm.
Under the command of Fleet Captain Robert Dean Troi-Riker and Commander Isabella Grace Janeway
A Proud Member of Star Trek First Fleet Simulations and Flag Ship of Task Force Delta
6th May 2003 - Crew Manifest brought online
2nd May 2003 - New USS Anchorage NX-99875 site brought online. Many areas still under construction but the basics are online.
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